Jonne Niemi

My research concentrates on high-temperature corrosion and deposit chemistry. While my background is in chemical engineering, my research approach is grounded in fundamental research. In practical applications the corrosion mechanisms and environments are complex and dynamic. The corrosion mechanisms are affected by, e.g., the alloy composition, temperature, and the composition of the atmosphere and deposit material. Furthermore, these parameters influence each other; for instance, temperature and the incorporation of corrosion products into the system can significantly alter deposit chemistry and morphology.

Complex problems can be solved by decomposing them into smaller and simpler parts. Understanding fundamental mechanisms and processes, such as diffusion and phase transitions, provides insight into the complexities of industrial high-temperature corrosion challenges. As a result, industrial processes can be designed to be more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and efficient.

I graduated with a Doctor of Science degree from Åbo Akademi University in 2019. I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University in Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Modelling research group for two years. In the beginning of 2022, I started working as an Academy of Finland funded postdoctoral researcher at Åbo Akademi University.