Societal discussion and action increasingly takes place on or mediated by various digital platforms, such as social media services. The nature of this activity is highly communicative, which explains why digital platforms have raised great interested among media and communication scholars. The implications and couplings are larger, however, as the communicative actors related also to questions of social, political and economic power and the ways in which it is organized and exercised through communication.
In this field, my own research interests are widely connected to communication, technology, organizations and organizing on digital platform. I received my PhD (Dr. Soc.Sc) in June 2017 from Media and Communication studies, with the title Corporate Reputation in the Hybrid Media System. Currently I work as a postdoctoral research at the Centre for Consumer Society Research at the University of Helsinki, investigating the performativity of data and algorithms in organizations, and the organizing of collective action on digital platforms.
I have a strong interest in methods and methodological development, in particular using computational methods and large data sets in social research. I have worked in and coordinated several multidisciplinary research projects that seek to develop ways to use big data approaches and computational methods in social sciences.
Further, I am an advocate of open science and science communication. I have published a book on expert communication on social media, a topic in which I also give courses and training. I am a founding member and chair of the scientific association Rajapinta ry. that focuses in social scientific study of ICT.
Twitter: @jahapaula