The Board and Action Task Groups

The board 2023-2024

The Board 2023-2024. Velma Aho and Kaisa Raatikainen absent.

The Board consists of at least 8 members, two from each year group of Young Academy members. The Board consists of the full members and their deputies.

The composition of the Board and the leaders of the action groups for the period 2023-2024 are as follows:

  • Chair Lasse Lehtonen (YAF 2022-2026), University of Helsinki
  • Vice Chair Nanna Myllys (YAF 2022-2026, deputy for Lasse Lehtonen), University of Helsinki
  • Velma Aho (YAF 2021-2025), NMBU (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), Vice Chair from 06/24
  • Jeremias Berg (YAF 2020-2024), University of Helsinki
  • Saana Jukola (YAF 2023-2027), University of Twente
  • Kaisa J. Raatikainen (YAF 2023-2027), Finnish Environment Institute
  • Mona Mannevuo (YAF 2020-2024, deputy for Jeremias Berg), University of Turku, University of Helsinki
  • Laura Berger (YAF 2021-2025, deputy for Velma Aho), Aalto University
  • Noora Heiskanen (YAF 2023-2027, deputy for Saana Jukola), University of Eastern Finland
  • Otso Kortekangas (YAF 2023-2027, deputy for Kaisa Raatikainen), Åbo Akademi

The action task groups 2023-2024 are:

  • Open and Resposible Science, leader Mona Mannevuo, team Laura Berger and Saana Jukola
  • Science Education, leader Jeremias Berg, team Otso Kortekangas and Kaisa Raatikainen
  • International Matters, leader Velma Aho, team Laura Berger and Saana Jukola
  • Policy Influence and Outreach, leader Lasse Lehtonen, team Noora Heiskanen ja Nanna Myllys