Tag: science advice

YAF began collaborating with the Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy

This spring, Young Academy Finland has begun collaborating with the SYNESPOD (Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy) network. SYNESPOD is a project that […]

Hiilinielut tutkimuksessa ja politiikassa: kohti tutkimuspohjaisia maankäytön ratkaisuja

Kunnat ovat merkittävässä asemassa, kun tehdään hiilinieluihin ja -varastoihin sekä luonnon monimuotoisuuden tilaan vaikuttavia päätöksiä. Mitkä ovat ne mekanismit, joilla tutkimustietoa voidaan parhaiten kerätä yhteen ja välittää päätöksentekoon silloin, kun pyritään toteuttamaan yhtä aikaa paikalliset olot huomioivia, mutta myös globaalin ilmastonmuutoksen kannalta kokonaisvaltaisia päätöksiä?

Policy Brief: How to Build a Reciprocal Relationship Between Research and Decision-making?

Main messages of the Young Academy Finland Policy Brief 1/2020 are:
1. Increase reciprocal action between knowledge and decision-making
2. Support the inclusion of early-career researchers1 in the mechanisms of science advice
3. Transfer the responsibility for the performance of science advice from individuals to mechanisms
4. Develop and diversify the funding opportunities for science advice mechanisms
5. Base the development of science advice as a practice and its mechanisms on relevant research on the relationship between science and policy

How to guarantee that research synthesis are actually read?

Young Academy of Finland and Belgian Young Academy co-organized in May 27, 2020, a virtual workshop on the future of science advice and its possible methods and forms in the EU. The issue of working relations between researchers and decision makers in all levels could not have been more topical in the midst of the covid-19 -pandemic. Please read further to learn some of the thoughts collected during the ”The Future of Independent Science Advice in the EU Ecosystem: How to make sure that research synthesis reports are read?” -workshop.

Upcoming Virtual Workshop: ”The Future of Independent Science Advice in the EU Ecosystem: How to make sure that research synthesis reports are read?”

Registrations for our May virtual Workshop on the research synthesis in the European Science Advice Ecosystem open now!

Survey results: How do European Young Academies reach out to decision-makers?

As part of the “Young Researchers as Knowledge Brokers” -project, Young Academy Finland executed a survey among its European peers about the activities on the […]