
Академія наук молодих вчених Фінляндії вивчила потреби українських дослідників
Звіт, складений координаторкою короткострокового проєкту Мариною Смагіною, тепер можна прочитати на сайті Академії наук молодих вчених Фінляндії. Після повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну в лютому […]

Young Academy Finland investigated the needs of Ukrainian researchers
A report compiled by short-term project coordinator Maryna Smahina has now been published. Following the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine in February 2022, the […]
Article Processing Charge (Apc) Policies on Open Access (Oa) Publishing Model The Impact on Developing Countries and the Need for a Multilateral Solution
Over the past years, the Open Access (OA) publishing models have been shaping the way we publish, allowing scientific articles to be freely available online […]

Policy Brief: How to Build a Reciprocal Relationship Between Research and Decision-making?
Main messages of the Young Academy Finland Policy Brief 1/2020 are:
1. Increase reciprocal action between knowledge and decision-making
2. Support the inclusion of early-career researchers1 in the mechanisms of science advice
3. Transfer the responsibility for the performance of science advice from individuals to mechanisms
4. Develop and diversify the funding opportunities for science advice mechanisms
5. Base the development of science advice as a practice and its mechanisms on relevant research on the relationship between science and policy
Open letter from Early-Career Researchers opposing cuts to the Research and Innovation programs of the proposed European Union budget 2021-2027
European and associated National Young Academies, the Young Academy of Europe and the Global Young Academy express grave concern regarding the budgetary cuts to Horizon […]

Guiding Principles of Young Academies
On 20 November 2019 National Young Academies and similar bodies signed up to a declaration on guiding principles for Young Academies. The declaration includes a […]
Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Young Academies
Young scholars (defined as early- and mid-career professionals of sciences, arts and humanities) across the world increasingly recognise the need to build a true and […]

Nordic and Baltic statement on gender equality in academia
The Nordic countries have a good international reputation for equality. However, there is still work to be done in terms of gender equality in academia. […]
Nordic and Baltic statement on gender equality academia
The purpose of this joint statement, developed at the initiative of the Nordic young academies and further reinforced with the support of the Baltic young […]
Feedback on Plan S Implementation
For cOAlition S, Young Academy Finland thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback for the guidance on the implementation of Plan S and would like […]
Opportunities and Challenges for Implementing Plan S
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