Tag: European young academies

YAF began collaborating with the Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy

This spring, Young Academy Finland has begun collaborating with the SYNESPOD (Swiss Young Network for Science Policy and Diplomacy) network. SYNESPOD is a project that […]

How to guarantee that research synthesis are actually read?

Young Academy of Finland and Belgian Young Academy co-organized in May 27, 2020, a virtual workshop on the future of science advice and its possible methods and forms in the EU. The issue of working relations between researchers and decision makers in all levels could not have been more topical in the midst of the covid-19 -pandemic. Please read further to learn some of the thoughts collected during the ”The Future of Independent Science Advice in the EU Ecosystem: How to make sure that research synthesis reports are read?” -workshop.

Survey results: How do European Young Academies reach out to decision-makers?

As part of the “Young Researchers as Knowledge Brokers” -project, Young Academy Finland executed a survey among its European peers about the activities on the […]

Young Academy Finland receives funding for an EU-wide knowledge brokerage capacity building project!

We are happy to announce that Tiina and Antti Herlin Foundation  has decided to fund “Young researchers as knowledge brokers” -project of Young Academy Finland!  The  project starts officially in September 2019, but will be already “pre-launched” during the meeting of the European young academies in May 2019 in Helsinki.

To the North: Baltic and Nordic Young Academies gather in Stockholm

For the first time all Young Academies in the Baltic and Nordic countries gather for a joint meeting. The aim of the meeting is to deepen collaboration and strengthen our role in a wider European and global context. More than fifty Baltic-Nordic young researchers have signed up for the meeting that will focus on scientific outreach and gender equality.

New board appointed for the Young Academy Finland

In its assembly on 17 September the Young Academy Finland appointed the new Board for the term 2018-2019. Tommi Himberg will continue as the Chair and Pirita Frigren was elected as the Vice Chair.