Ministry of Education and Culture supports the growth and development of the Meet a Researcher service over the next three years

The Young Academy Finland has recently received one piece of good news after another. Earlier we reported that the continuation of the Meet a Reseacher service has been secured for three years with a grant from the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, and now the Ministry of Education and Culture has also provided support for three years. The aim for the three-year period is not only to continue the full implementation of the current service and to increase the number of users and the pool of researchers, but also to develop accompanying material to support researcher visits. Work is underway on an online magazine for adolescents, which will include articles by researchers from the Meet the Researcher service. Teachers may give the articles to their pupils before the researcher visits to facilitate their preparation for the visit. The project will also pilot visits to early years education and pre-school education, and develop science education for adults.

A separate project is developing a ‘Meet the Researcher’ service for Swedish-language schools. The project is supported by the Svenska Kulturfonden.