In November, Young Academy Finland invited The Estonian Young Academy of Sciences to a joint Academy Club. Cooperation between the sister academies started two years ago, when both The Estonian Academy of Sciences and the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences visited Helsinki. Last year, The Young Academy Finland was invited to Tallinn to a symposium, organised by The Finnish Society of Science and Letters, The Estonian Academy of Sciences and The Estonian Young Academy of Sciences.

The Academy Club on 29 November featured research presentations and discussions by members of both academies, while the afternoon panel discussion focused on research in a tense geopolitical environment. The panel discussion was moderated by Laura Berger, member of the Board of the Young Academy Finland, and featured Toomas Vaimann, President of the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences, Kristiina Silvan, Research Fellow at the Institute of Foreign Policy, and Olli Suominen, Special Advisor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The two academies also presented their activities and planned further cooperation.

Erik Abner and Kristiina Mark from the Estonian Young Academy Sciences and Pauliina Peltonen and Kaisa Rissanen from Young Academy Finland presented their research. Professor Olli Ikkala from the Board of the Finnish Academy of Scienceand Letters chaired the presentation. The presentations and Q & A discussion by the members of the Young Academy Finland can be viewed below and on the Young Academy Finland’s YouTube channel.