(How) can you lead research? May’s Academy club was filled with vivid discussions on current topics

In the afternoon of the English-language Academy Club in May, Professor Risto Kunelius led a discussion on research group management, which is probably a topical issue for many Young Academy  Finlands members.

As usual, the morning programme consisted of research presentations by the newest members of YAF. Professor Tiina Kinnunen, member of the Board of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, was the chairperson. The presentations were given by Tiia Kekäläinen (Older adults´ physical activity, mood, and cognitive performance in daily life context), Andreas Rupp (Do we still need (applied) mathematicians when we also have artificial intelligence?), Kaisa J. Raatikainen (Human–nature relations in the Finnish context: insights from a transdisciplinary art&science inquiry) and Richard Forsgård (How the intestinal barrier keeps us healthy?) You may watch the presentations and  Q & A -panel below and Young Academy Finland’s YouTube-channel.

Once again, the sun was shining on the May Academy Club day, so those who wished continued their discussions on the terrace, already a tradition!